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Is life for living? (28/03/2008 01:57)
What is life for, is it for living or is it for something else?

What are we given life for? we beat more than a million to one odds just to be born, but what do we do with that life we are given?

Quite often nothing. what do we work for, is it our own personal gain, is it for enjoyment or is it simply to reach a point in which we can enjoy our lives? 22% of the British population smoke, many more drink and just about all of us work. Be it in computing, politics, law, construction, teaching...however do we fully enjoy our lives? Most of us work for monetary gain so that when we are old enough to retire we can enjoy our lives. Is life for enjoyment or mearly for reproduction? We all enjoy making love and reproducing, but we don't all enjoy working however between the ages of 18 - 60 this is what our lives consist of. We enjoy playing games, listning to music, watching films playing sport. However how much effort is put into it so that we can have those few hours of enjoyment every week?

Spinner no doubt puts hours of time into this game but what is the true reason behind it? is it because he enjoys it? is it for money? is it both or is it neither? IT is socially unacceptable not to work but why is this? hundreds of years ago we needed not money to enjoy ourselves but love, children, eachother. Food. We work to put food on the table. What true value is on having a nice car and a nice house other than luxury, other than happyness? However we are told time and time again that money is not happyness. And this is true, you can have all the money in the world but no social skills, no friends and no family. would you truly be happy then? you could have everything but friends. So is the reason behind all thsi simply society? Then how did we get into a position in which we are born, we have 4-5 years of 'freedom' under the control of our parents and then we must all go to school to 'prepare' us for what is to come, and then once prepared we work, we get money, we pay our taxes have children and then die.

Truly what then is the point in life? people commit suicide because they see no happyness in their lives and no end to their misery but who is it who's placed them in this misery? it's us. Their different so we steer clear of them. Why? because we find them unhappy to be around. it's one never-ending cycle in which it is nearly impossible to get out of. Money is an object we can do without however can we do without love and friendship? Most of our actions are for happyness. we joke, we cook, we reproduce all for enjoyment, and none of them necessarally need money. so why then do we work?

Don't get me wrong, work can be fun. But can you truly say you are not working to either better yourself or to produce money in which you can spend to have fun? why does society then dictate to us what we can and cannot do, and why are laws set down reducing this yet again to a miniscule amount?

Drugs of all kind bring momentary happyness to oneself, be it alcohol, smoking or 'hard/illegal' drugs, however the government, or politics (which ironically is supposidly the state of bringing happyness and agreeing with the most people leaving the least unhappy) feel it encessary to dictate to us what we can and cannot do. smoking is banned in public places and taxation has been increaced by 11p per packet. We fought many wars to keep opium legal, however what is seen as one of the worst drug around? That in which opium is made for.

Life isn't for living, life is for dying. We all just wait until our time without putting up a fight. If we all truly believed there was no God, no heaven, would we be civilised in everything we did, or would we attempt to make the best of our lives. I'll leave you with this thought and a quote.

The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want.
Ben Stein
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Everest Leo wrote:
09:36 31/03 2008
for you, apparently meaning of life is writing a philosophical blog about meaning of life:P
hehe, for me, maybe meanning of life is answering your questions and spread big wisdom out of my head:D
1. freedom is great because it lets you decide what you do, what activities, where, with whom, how and so on.
2. spinner enjoys it and earn money as well. it's a coolest combination you can have: he gets both the sheep and the cabbage!;). you shouldn't separate the two: it's like egg's yolk and white together that makes the chicken. the chicken in this allegory is ML:)
3. it is socially acceptable not to work. however, it is not socially acceptable to have the opportunity to work and complain why you don't have more things.
4. people commit suicide for different reasons. hope nobody does it because he isn't succesful in ML:D
my pizza is ready soon, just put in the owen, I shall have that for breakfast! maybe it's silly to have that, but I enjoy with cheddar cheese and mozzarella on top, as for me a cool way to start a week, a monday morning!
in my opinion, to be happy in life it is important to see who do you compare yourself! I just think back in history, not long, just a few decades years.....let's say world war 2.....what you have today is PARADISE compared to that;)
sure, not perfect, not perfect paradise, but compared to the amount of suffering of people that time, now it's PARADISE!:)
Be happy: try to win your next ML match, most important thing in life!;))))
Spinner wrote:
10:49 31/03 2008
pictureFirst of all, nice blog, and an intriguing topic.
I have written my views on some of these things earlier, but I can't seem to find the blog / thread it was in.
Regardless, I am not afraid to try again:

Your original questions was "What is life for?" and I am somewhat unsure exactly what you mean with this question. I would be equally unsure if you had asked "What is the meaning of life?" which is another popular question. Replace "life" with "the color of blue" and you might see the problem...
You do jump a bit from question to question, about materialism, social guidelines and expectations, and you ask far more questions than I have time to answer, but I'd read up on a famous dude called Maslow and some basic philosophy.
Anyway, back to your original question, which will have to be interpreted to make sense:

Interpretation #1: What are we supposed to do with our lives?
This question indicates that you believe there is a Right and a Wrong answer to the question, as you wonder what we are SUPPOSED to do.
Different religions have different answers to this question, but most of them seem to imply that this life is just a step into the NEXT life which is, supposedly, a lot better, and your actions in this life will determine if you will be part of "paradise" or not.
The usual answer here is: Be kind to others / other believers, spread the good word and respect what is written in the relevant book.

Alternatively, we can avoid religion (to some degree, anyway) and look to society. Admittedly, most societies have underlying expectations based on religion, and this is visible through the laws, which makes a certain set of rules around our lives.
The usual answer here is: Obey the laws and try to carry your own weight to avoid being a burden to the rest of society.
Even more alternatively, we can avoid both religion and society and ask OURSELVES:
What do I think I should do with my life?
While this options can lead to far more interesting answers, it can also lead to the more radical and dangerous answers.
Asking the question and living by  the answer though, are two different things, and asking the question is certainly legitimate!

Interpretation #2: Why do we live?
This interpretation also indicates a belief of some kind, ruling out any scientific answer, and assumes that we have life for some hidden purpose or meaning.  I am not a religious man, so I am not a big fan of "There has to be a meaning with it all".
Also, I am not a fan of "half solutions" or "partial answers", and I think the same answer should apply to ALL life, not just human life.
For instance: Why does ant # 9483754639264846 live? And why does ant # 9483754639264847 live?
To me, we are complex chemical organisms that came to be because of statistical probability and natural evolution rather than "superior beings created by a more superior being".

Religions seem more fixed on the "Why do WE live" rather than answering the questions of "Why do I live".
I suggest people should spend some more time on the "Why do I live" question, as it holds much more interesting answers.

Or you can just go with the religious flow and say: "Ok, I live because (God / Allah / Other omnipotent superior being) created mankind and now I am supposed to live like the book tells me to live, and then, if I am good, I will go to paradise"...

Why is a rock a rock? Why is the moon a moon? Why is grass grass? Why is something that is alive alive? Why do the living live? (They wouldn't be living if they did not, would they!) Such retorical whimiscal questions have only one answer: Because they do.

Oh well..There are more interpretations of your question, but I don't have time for more now. Maybe I will continue later, but now I must work...
Oh and why I do it? The reason behind me making ML, or old Planetarion for that matter? Because I can, because I want to, because I wanted to create a cool job for myself, because I wanted to see if I could do it, because I need a salary to put food on the table and take care of my family, because I started making it an kind of just kept going and also because I wish to leave my own tiny mark on the world, touching other lives with something I do. If I didn't make games, I'd be a handyman I think, creating things feels nice....

Have a great Monday, and a fantastic week. Walk up to the mirror, and say out loud: "Today is truly a great day!"
Ana Ivanovic wrote:
13:02 31/03 2008
picturei don't know why life is for...asked myself a few times,but cant find the is cool sometimes ,but sometimes it sucks.I think it`s a war for all of us,since the day we are born until the day we will die,a diferent war for all of us,a war where it`s impossible to succed....but if u try to do what u like ,u will see that  it`s not that bad.
Kula wrote:
15:02 31/03 2008
We get born, wait till we die.
We have fun,  games, music,movies,tv etc. But is it really fun?
I wonder how those celebral parese people and these other which is sick, in some way.
I wonder how they would they, what do they have to live for? o_O
Life is weird, life is a question.
Zz00104642 wrote:
15:24 31/03 2008
pictureI live life for God.
Zz00043339 wrote:
16:42 31/03 2008

For me Life is about making the best of the Present moment. We can only Learn from Past experiences and Correct mistakes. We cant live for the future as it may never happen. So now is what it is all about. Make the Best of Now and Never do anything to Intentionally harm anyone else

Zz00118061 wrote:
17:21 31/03 2008
pictureit is very hard to say...
the Buddhist ,the life come from deed called Karma or fate ( In Thai call Karm ).    
Everyone has own Karma that came with u from  your deed both goodness and badness
Buddhadasa Bhikkhu   said  "life is duty"  that mean everyone have own duties. example  i am a student, i should study the best  for this part , others part  of me i have dad, mom , sister ,brother or others i should do that part the best too, such as dont make dad and mom worries about me, help them somethings that  i can do. etc.
oneday i asked my grandmom what was the life , she said life was the fighting  sometimes life is  beautiful but manytimes the life is cruel we must learn and fight with them solving the problem that coming at the same time.

we are good luck to be here
living is a good ,i hope u will enjoy the whole life,             ; )

sorry for my poor English .
Sherlock Holmes wrote:
18:06 31/03 2008

For me life is hard to explain.

But maybe my point is that i want to make an influence on other people.?

Zz00107962 wrote:
18:44 31/03 2008

ok ... well funnily enough my dad told me this story when i was talking to him about football saying that if arsenal beat liverpool in the champions league i will be suicidal (not literally , but i will be absouloutly gutted.)

he then told me a story of a professer of philosophy trying to teach his pupils how to live there lifes... and the way he explain it was like this....

he came into the classroom with a bowl..... he filled it will golf balls.... he asked his pupils... is it full? they said yes.. he then asked is it?... so he got some sand and asked them again is it full , they said yes once again , he again said , are you sure.. they said yes... so he put water in the bowl and asked now is it full  the pupils said yes... so he then got some coffee granials and poured it in...he then asked now is it full... the pupils said yes... he then told them that it was full

so he explained what all this meant.... the golf balls ressembled there important things in life such as your parents , wife/girfriend kids etc... the sand was things such as your football team your hobbies etc.. , the water ressembled our spirtual and physical needs such as reproducing , making love and relegion... then a student asked , so what does the coffee resemble , he then said  , oh and dont forget to have a coffee with your friends and people you meet along your life....

i find this to be a good way of explaining life and living it and using it to the full showing you the guidelines on which to follow... some may think its complete bull.... but i think its very true

Zz00117038 wrote:
19:05 31/03 2008

Live is live na na na na na live is live

Kaiser Soze wrote:
20:59 31/03 2008
pictureYeah its something to think about;)..........i think everyone should live the life to the full............try things you want to...........go see places......and enjoy life..(its the only life we are certain of ;))................and one of  the purposes of life must be to have children:)......a bring life on!!.........its incredible to think about how far we have come through evolution................. 
Zz00077228 wrote:
22:45 31/03 2008
pictureAhh philosophy
The point of life is to produce more, which produces more and more. The benefit? None, just a fact. Anyway, from my point of view G_d would be bored with nothing, so he created this, and, unfortunately, my brother came with it:P
On a more serious note when he created it he wanted it to keep going, so he made the humans+animals able to reproduce. However, the only problems are humans killing things. Therefore, this was either
1) Intended (life on another planet)
2) Was G_d not liking the races he made:P
3) He just sits to see what happens, like no changing your team in ML, just waching themselves do it on their own.
4) We will divert it :)
So, G_d created it and is probably watching us with no interventions (deist beliefs) and is having fun watching us, especially havingg a good laugh watching how badly my team fails:P
This also explains the bad problems (pain and suffering); makes it more interesting. But, also it is considered ith Newton's law; everything has an = and opposite force. But, why would there be G_d when there is an opposite force? Well, you could say he was the only thing existing when creation occured, he stopped himself doing anything more and, no opposite force.

So, g_d created it and is watching over us.
Well, this is my view, but if you want a factual answer, tough luck!
Zz00078981 wrote:
19:10 02/04 2008

This is a great discussion point.

I often ask myself "Why am I here", especially, when the hoover explodes dust all over the house, or the cat/dog has had a dump in the middle of the living room floor.

"Why am I here" in these situations is a pointer to the old regret that I could be sitting on a yacht in Greece somewhere. I'm supposed to be here, as a result of life choices made in the past. What I should be asking is "why do these things happen", and the simple answer is because the cat/dog couldn't get out the back door, and I haven't emptied the hoover bag in a while.

Then I look at my almost 7 year old daughter, and "Why am I here" becomes if I had made the choice of sitting on a Yacht in Greece, she wouldn't be here - it would be some other child, perhaps, maybe no child. A child borne of circumstances, just like the rest of us.

She asked once, why do we have cows - I was flabergasted for a minute, because the immediate thought was - so we have milk to drink, and meat to eat (sorry if this offends - I'm a christian to some degree). And before I said it, I realised just how ridiculous it was - cows are/were there, the fact that some cultures utilise these beasts holy to some as a source of nutrition, So I answered "the same reason we have fish". This left her thinking, so I expect one day soon she'll say "why do we have fish".

Everest Leo wrote:
15:05 04/04 2008

re:. This left her thinking, so I expect one day soon she'll say "why do we have fish".


we don't have fish. we have USOs, unindentified swimming objects:p


First God created cowboys. Than, he turned on the news. CNN said "we have economic reports about the cowboys doing nothing, GDP is not growing, economy is going in recession, the Chicago Commodity Markets are doing badly etc."

Solution came: cows!

Later on, these cows truned on to be more intelligent than some a famous cowboy from Texas called George W. Tree (little exaguration though, correctly would be just little bush), so there was a danger that these intelligent creatures would overtake humans...they invented recycling long before humans, every cow uses a stomach recycling sytem too:D

To keep control of this new problem, to make cows more stupid, the Mad Cow Disease was invented:)

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