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Racism, Hate and Anger (09/08/2006 02:40)

this is a pretty deep blog about something i feel pretty strong about...please post your views on it...but please don't get offended

So i've watched a film...but it's not just any old film that you see on the high's called "Amercian History X" and my god it's a good film.

The film is about racism, how a white protestant american, very inteligent, has everything going for him turns bad, starts a **** group up, ends up killing two black men and injuring one of them who was stealing this car, but he did not just kill them, he gave them possibly the most horrible death ever.

He goes to jail...he learns, he comes out of jail, he tries to turn his family around which at this point has all but diminished; his little brother is following in his footsteps, he is part of this white gang culture whose sole purpose is to create everybody's life a misery.

One question posed in this most inspiering movie was "Has anything you have done improved your life?" and of course the answer he gave...was no. Racism doesn't improve your life, hatred for things that are different, hatred for things that you cannot comprenend or understand does not get you anywhere, if anything it ruines your life. It's a waste of what could be a perfectly good, intelligent citizen. Racism is pointless, it creates friction, and it creates hatred. Sure, you come out with all these statistics on how "black people are the cause of most of the crime" but have you ever heard of a "self fufilled prophesy?". This is when people suspect a group of people to be the main culprites, thus they check more of them and therefore they find more of them to have broken the law.

Race does not matter, we are all the same, we all have two lungs, a brain, a heart...five fingers...two eyes. What's the difference do you say? Our skin colour...our religion...what we believe in, what we look like. But why i say, why do you have or hold a problem with this? is their beard too long? is it because coloured skin is more immune to skin has adapted better? no, the reason is they are different. Society does not like differences.

We talk about equality in our as English people pride ourselves on our equality, our multi-cultural society. But tell me this...what black or English/Western man has made anything of his life? Yeah, ok, you can think of a lot. now tell me this...what black or English/Western man has made something of his life...without embracing the white culture? you do not see a nigerian man going to work in his traditional clothes, he has to wear a shirt and tie.

ok, do you not see my point? a good example would be gipsys...or "pikeys" as they are more commenly known now. We say they have equal oppertunitys like us...they are English...they are white. Why do we dislike them? not because they are "renowned" for stealing, because they are not, who of you actually knows a gipsy? i do, and i can tell you straight off they are damned nice people. The government says they have equal oppertunitys...they can go into council houses...they can be homed like everyone else and get themselves a stable job. YOU call this equal? what you are doing is taking away EVERYTHING THEY BELIEVE IN. they are Gipsys because they MOVE around, that's what they are, they are travellers...equal oppertunity is letting someone nomatter where they are from, what their social background is, what they believe in or what their culture is do and work where they want. Bullshit our society believes in equal oppertunities, what our society believes in is making everybody live and believe in what the English do. Personally i don't mind this, but why go and LIE to the world saying we are multi-cultural, saying we are not racist, saying everybody in England has equal oppertunity? we do not! this is an outright lie.

I mean i'm not White, but i'm not black too, and i've had my fare share of racism, only a few weeks ago in town i got hurled abuse at by a black girl saying i acted white. Ok, fair enough i do, but there is not reason for being racist, my father does not have a cultural background, therefore i have been brought up in a white family so this is all i know, if you lived my live what would you be like?!?

And then i get hurled abuse at by WHITE people saying that i'm black! i mean let's be realistic here...all this happened in the space of one month...and Britian tries to sayit's not racist? I've lived in England all my life, i know nothing else, i've been brought up the English way in an English society with white friends.

My friends, this gets you knowwhere...sitting there and thinking "i hate black people" or "i hate white people" or "i hate muslims" we are all the same, we just belive in different things. Why can't you allow others to be themselves, give them an oppertunity.

Imagine you are the minority, imagine you got abuse by the black people because you and a few others were the only whites in town. You would hate it. So don't dish it out.

And i know what most of you are thinking "you come to our country and you're taking it over". how many english doctors are there? how many english cleaners are there? MORE ENGLISH PEOPLE ARE LIVING OFF THE DOLL THAN ILLEGAL IMAGRENTS so i tell you, why?

I will leave you with one quote at the end of that film that just about summs up everything i've just written...

"Life is to short to hate for all of it"

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MissSpoons wrote:
23:07 09/08 2006


its the one thing in the world that makes me hate human beings - i cant abide people who use racist words or even those who tell racist jokes - RACISM IS JUST NOT FUNNY!!!   ok so this might be a bit harsh of me and i should probably relax my views on it a bit, but i just  dont understand it!

Chairman wrote 'acting' black or 'acting' white - what is this acting about??? surely its more likely that he is being himself and no acting is involved..... who cares how he, so long as he is happy in himself!!!  i mean bet all these people like eminem but dont think twice about him acting as they will have accepted him as he came!!

if people continue to be this pathetic about race then world peace is just never ever gonna be in sight! we just need to get past color and religion and just learn to accept people the way they are!!! 

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