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Game of season 91 (03/08/2012 09:46)



This is for my education at season 91.


Last season my team become nr 12, almost nr 13 and was on its way down to 5div, i survive and still play in 4div, i did well in the few last games.


last season i sell 1 player to make money for new players in the end of the season,

i sold Alvaro moll for 44.100.000 $   defender

  This season i sold players   name                                              sold for           roleOskar Þór Jóhannessson       2.677.500 $     defender  John Walker                            11.564.000 $    goalkeeper                                                                                                                                                                                      Eric osorio                                 9.800.000  $    attacker                

Buga                                           1.326.029 $      attacker       



My team also buy

Øyvind Salamonsen  for       9.456.698$           defender q81

Mihai Buga for                       7.595.551 $           Defender q81

Amir al-Sukkari for                1.489.155 $            Goalkeeper q75

Thomas Söderman for         8.752.665 $           attacker q80




will get som older defence players who can make it posible to climb a higher placed then last year. i sell Oscar in defence, he have done a very good job recents season, but hes old and i need someone better with higher q, its better to sell him now and maybe get something for him.

I also get a new young attacker, he's at age 17 and q74. i will put him to replace as a substitue in as many games as posible. I also sold erick,  i dont get rich to sell him, but he will mostly dont play any games this year, and therfor he dont be needed.


when it come to tatics my team will do some changes when how they plays. my team is used to play in 4-4.2, this year they also play in some other formations. Basicly a defender to avoid losing games.


Money, last season had a income with more then 40 mil, This year there will be more or less the same, + - players I sell or/and buy.

my income at home games is almost 2mill. so evry games my income is good. but whem my team is playing out games it not so good.


how my team is improve this season, is new defenders with higher q, my new young attacker who might do it better and maybe be able to become the goalgetter my team needs. My team will maybe become nr 10 or so, another thing is my team has play with some other team who has arrive to 4div, welcome. and i hope my team will be able to win theese games,  but in fack my team plays in 5 div in season 92, it might takes 2 season to go up again and then my team need players at q85 in each position.


 Last season i won some games because the others team manager did not check out how its going, take a look some few times in a week or more to see how your players fitness and damange, is there any correction you can do or other stuff you can do.  its easy winning to that. and maybe give your team that litle edge you might need in the end, its how good team do it. and its how you can move up. its also give your team a rotation, when a player is injuried or damage you will replaced that player and that player can do a better job and therfor your team


This is how my players did it this season,  in most games i plays in 4-4-2 formation, and next season i can try 3-4-3 or 4-3-3 to try others against the bots.



my goalgetter was ok, when i compare my 1st keepers to others team. he doas a good job, next season he wil become a important player to my team, hopefully he dont let any goals in. in a all season. my 2nd is just for backup,


my defenders, its work ok but nothung better,  my 4 best defenders is up above q 81 and my others is groowing or to old. next season i will do very few changes.  when i coming back to 4div i need a defender at level q85 to stay in 4div.


my midlefielders is ok, their quality is q80 almost, and next season i dont need any big changes. but when my team comes back to 4div i need a midlefielder at level q85 who can deliver whats needed to.


my attackers, has done a job but their jb is to scoore and this season its been not so funny when others team scoore. top news next season they will dominante 5div, but i try to save money to a goalgetter when my teams arrive back in 4div i need a player who can scoore more then 15goals.. my 2 younger wil have a lot of games and then maybe scoore and groow. thats whats my team needed to to.


how my next season wil bring, right now i dont know witch depapartemnt, its 4 options there. most others team will be bots, i hopefulle win thoose games, and maybe some other players, i might dont win but but playoff is posible, in most others div you survive because you have good players, sometimes you have the best goalgetters but you dont win the departments. my team have loss most of their games this season and to win all next is a change they need to fix



my thought for next season,

i might go down a division, its give my a opertunity to win games and get some more money.  i can also see if my attacker can win games, if they cant i must changes them, right now i buy some older player to do start 11 and replacments with younger after 45 to 70min, in evry match. my upgrades to the stadium is a good income, next season i dont need any biger reinforcements. maybe buy some younger and give them as many matches as posibles to make th groow and then sell then after some seasons.  my goalkeepers is good for now, can use both of them many season forwards, my defence crew will be changes over the next few season, need some more players there, my midlefields is working fine for now, dont need any changes next season but when back in 4 div i need a player a q 85 to show the rest of the team how it works,, and my attacker who never give it all. never scoore enought goals what so ever anyway. in season 92 they must show what they have. my 2 youngest attacker will get some time to learn to play balls, if they groowe and scoore goals it will looks good for my team.




feel free to donate credits  for more tips at this site, i will also update this site under this season.


best regards




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