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ML Competitions
Vinnere av tippekonkurransen (22/04/2009 10:53)
Vi skrev "Gjett hvilke lag som befinner seg på de 3 øverste plassene på tabellen etter 5 spilte serierunder. Det blir trukket ut 5 vinnere som hver får tilsendt en regnjakke, en sykkelsekk og et badehåndkle. Dersom ingen har alle i riktig rekkefølge rett, vil vi trekke vinnere av de som har alle lagene rett."

Dette skulle vise seg å bli langt vanskeligere enn først antatt, og det kan se ut som veldig få hadde tro på Molde i årets tippeliga. (Selv om alle som så hvordan de til tider storspillte i fjor burde vite bedre! De knuste til og med Enga, jo!)

Til tross for flere hundre innsendte svar, har vi INGEN som har 3 lag på rett plass. Heldigvis har vi 1 som klarte de rette 3 lagene, selv om plassene var feil. Da har vi ihvertfall 1 vinner!

Manager XabiMaestro med laget Team_Manpower, fra Ål i Hallingdal, tippet Rosenborg, Molde og Tromsø, så han er vår klare vinner her.

Vi lovte jo å gi ut 5 sett med premier, så da ble det en ny gjennomgang av svarene. Og da viste det seg at vi hadde temmelig mange å velge mellom som hadde bommet på førsteplassen, men som hadde Rosenborg som #2 og Tromsø som #3. (Det var ingen som hadde som hadde Molde øverst som også traff med #2 eller #3) .
Uansett, etter trekning av de siste 4 vinnerene ble resultatet:

Team_Manpower / XabiMaestro
Forest All Stars / Sir Brian Clough
PinoyAllstar / Falcao-3
Isfjorden2 / Barnes10
Chelski United / scholsy

Vinnerene har blitt forsøkt kontaktet, og blitt bedt om å sørge for at de har riktig navn og addresse i sine personalige detaljer (ellers får de ingen premie!), så vi får håpe de rekker det i løpet av 48 timer, ellers mister de premien!

Gratulerer så mye til dere 5, og bare dere søre for riktig navn og addresse, vil Norsk Tipping snart sende dere premiene der skal ha (Et sett hver med regnjakke, sekk og badehåndkle, altså symboler på en typisk norsk sommer :)  )

Så får dere holde øynene oppe for flere konkurranser utover!
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Hvem leder tippeligaen etter 5 runder? (06/03/2009 12:14)
This competition concerns the Norwegian top league (Real football, not the game) and as such is written in Norwegian.

Norsk Tipping har i år sponset oss med noen fine premier og vi inviterer dere igjen til en liten tippe-konkurranse.

Dette må du gjøre: Gjett hvilke lag som befinner seg på de 3 øverste plassene på tabellen etter 5 spilte serierunder.

Svaret må utformes slik:

1: Rosenborg
2: Brann
3: Viking

Dersom ingen har alle i riktig rekkefølge rett, vil vi trekke vinnere av de som har alle lagene rett.

Det blir trukket ut 5 vinnere som hver får tilsendt en regnjakke, en sykkelsekk og et badehåndkle (bilder av premiene ser du under).

Ditt svar må sendes til innen 14. mars kl. 18:00, da tippeligaen begynner dagen derpå. Det er et krav at du har registrert postadresse i Norge. HUSK: Skriv på ditt lagnavn og managernavn i mailen!

Her er premiene:


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"What is it?" #1 2009 Results and Winners (04/02/2009 09:03)

A big thanks to everyone who participated in the "What is it?"-competition. We've drawn 3 winners from the entries that had all the right answers.

These were the images that you had to guess:

Here are the answers:

Soda Can (Any kind of can has been allowed as an answer)




We had a lot of entries. Some really fun wrong answers and quite a lot of correct ones. Here are the 3 winners of this competition:

Golden Boys, managed by Casposo.
Germania Bremen, managed by RumsBums.
Norway National Team, managed by Fredda.

Congratulations to the winners, who are all awarded 100 credits each!
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The Wallie Competiton (11/12/2008 14:19)


This competition was actually more difficult than we thought of, as no one had the answer we wanted here!

The idea and business model was made and structured by Wallies mother company and the card was successfully launched on October 4th, 2003, after a press release in Wallies name released by the mother company on September 25th, 2003. However, the company Wallie was officially founded on October 20th,, 2003. As no one had this date right, I guess this information was inaccessible or at least too hard to find!

So, if you mentioned a date or a period between September and November, 2003, we have made your answer “correct” and your name could be among the winners.

We picked 5 names at random that will get a Wallie Card sent to their home address. Yay! Congratz!

The winners are:






So if you are one of the winners,and you have yoru right address filled out HERE, then you can just wait for your prize. If you do NOT have your right address HERE, then you should update it QUICKLY or we get to keep your prize for ourselves! Haha :)

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Summer Pics Compo Winners (11/09/2008 22:57)
Very sorry about the slow results for this - Compo Manager has been on holiday and only just returned to pic the winners from an email inbx full of spam and canadian medical supplies.

The Winners are quite (well, mainly) dog related and are pretty cute -

1st Place: A brilliant snowy summer scene from Sir Crodos, manger of Sao Credo. Water looks cold...

2nd place: need a name from them, email address says "Coolbongo555"...

Spot the poodle...

Finally, third place with another dog or two and again no team details - email says "maarvidso"

Congrats to all - 2nd and 3rd place need to email competitions with manager name and team to get prizes!!!
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Summer Pictures Competition (23/07/2008 12:10)

Another Day, another picture contest.

Whereas the last picture contest was mostly to do with one particular item in the picture, this contest will reward those with a good eye for a scene, a good idea on composition and, ultimately, the ability to produce a fun picture!

So, we need you to send in your summer pictures, they must have been taken this summer, but other than that, you can interpret this as you wish. Obviously, Summer Scenes would make most sense, but as it is winter in the southern hemisphere, I suppose a wintery scene would make most sense for you! Regardless, do your best.

The best 3 pictures will win 50 credits each. Closing date will be 1st September

Send all pictures to , and please put Summer Picture Competition as the title of the email. You would not believe the amount of spam that comes our way (mostly about jessica alba for some reason) and you don't want us to overlook your entries. Please also tell us your manager name and managerleague team to make our lives simpler!

Get snapping! 

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The Football Shirt Photo Contest Gallery (12/07/2008 14:57)
Right, here are the results of the Odd Football Shirt Photo Competition.

The contest was a simple one - a picture of you in a football shirt from a club that most people would deem it odd for you to be wearing. That is, obscure professional football teams from somewhere else in the world than where you were from. We had quite a few entries, so we have presented them all here for you to see. They can all be found at the foot of this blog entry, with details of what it is you are looking at.

The competition had some criteria by which we would judge oddness:

  1. Geographical distance of club from person
  2. Fame of club (the less famous the better)
  3. Interestingness of the kit (away usualy better than home, if it is a cup final kit, or something else is special, let us know too)

Your dilligent competition manager has taken a considerable amount of time working out how to rank the different shirts. Obviously, what is odd to you might not be odd to him, so he had to come up with a formula for working out points for the club shirts being presented, that took into account the location of the individual wearing the shirt. The formula was refined and refined until a formula that was fair for all was established. This then allowed the photos to be scored and then ranked to find our winners...

A reminder of the prizes:

  • 1st place - 150 Credits
  • 2nd place - 75 Credits
  • 3rd place - 50 Credits
  • Funniest Picture - 50 Credits

Our Winners... 

1st Place (150 credits):


Couttsey21, manager of SOS FC

Seen here wearing the 2002 away shirt of Club Athletico San Miguel, a regionalised 4th teir side in Argentina that is 7005.2 miles from his house in Sutton on Sea, UK.

Total points: 9462.2



2nd Place (75 credits):

Dicho_Boss, manager of CSKA Redlions

Shown modeling the current Dinamo Huston home shirt from the MLS. He's from Sofia, a whopping 6111.3 miles from Huston Texas.

Total Points: 6813.3


3rd Place (50 credits):


Barcks, manager of Tingnesodden FC

Here seen wearing a 6 or 7 year old Singapore Armed Forces Shirt, at team that are regular champions of the Singapore 1st Division and a staggering 6242 miles from his home in Oslo.

Total points: 6545 


And finally, the best (funniest) photo award of 50 credits goes to....

Matinn, manager of Gallipoli FC

Matinn sports the blue Al - Ahly training shirt, and his unnamed mate wears the red home kit. Al - Ahly play in the Egyptian 1st Division, 474.1 miles from Matinn's home in Antalya, Turkey.

Matinn assures us this is the natural pose he and his mate adopt when they are playing indoor football with a tiny white ball. I'm sure you'll agree this is a tremendous action shot, made all the greater by the apparent display of white underpants by Matinn's unnamed mate.


And the Rest of the Rouges who entered...

we will update this page over the next few days with other notable entries, so stay tuned...

 - Competitions Manager

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Review Competition Winners (11/06/2008 14:32)

A great big THANK YOU to all those who entered the Managerleague Review Competition.

Not only did taking part start off a few discussions about the various pros and cons of the game, but it also made the job of the judge much harder - as there were many more to read than he at first thought there would be (he had hoped for just three, making his task very very easy) - so all in all, well done!

The Reviews were all high quality and we were pleased to see that not just the usual blogging suspects entered (you know who you are!). Those managers who blogged for the first time to enter this contest should all keep up their blogging - it keeps us honest!

But, preamble over, time to announce the winners. After a long drawn out review of the reviews (partially in a pub, it is true, but mainly at a desk) the judge has identified three entries that met the criteria of best written blog. It was a close decision, but it was felt that the winners all brought something extra to their reviews. The winners are... (drum roll please...)

Sir Stairs (Staircase United) 


TKBomber (Dorchester FC) 


Sondre of Norway (Byneset IL)


Congratulations to all three. They will each receive 100 credits each as reward for their skills as game reviewers. If you want to read the winning entires, click on the name of the manager and it will take you straight there!

One of them will go on to have their review published on an online magazine, so stay tuned!

 - Competitions Manager

UPDATE - THE OVERALL (and now published) WINNER


Sondre of Norway (Byneset IL)

Whose review was selected by the magazine thiteen1 as it's winning review. You can see it in it's glory here:

(keep flicking through to the community review on page 40 ish)


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The Football Shirt Photo Contest (04/06/2008 16:10)

We have a new and ineresting contest for thoe of you who don't fany writing a review (andeven for those that do).

Inspired by a recent (and remaining nameless) managerleague manager's search for a new footbll shirt to wear to 8 a-side games, we are opening up a photo competition to everyone.


We want you to send us pictures of YOU in a Fooball Shirt belonging to an ODD Football Club.  

Now, odd is relative. If you live in Peru, a picture of you wearing a Universitario shirt will get you exactly nowhere. If that same shirt was on someone who lived in Bergen, then that would be a very strong entry. If that same Peruvian was to wear an SK Brann top, they too would be in to win.

Please note - it is pointless sending a picture of you in a Man United or a Real Madrid kit. We want minor teams!

Photos will be judged as follows:

  1. Geographical distance of club from person
  2. Fame of club (the less famous the better)
  3. Interestingness of the kit (away usualy better than home, if it is a cup final kit, or something else is special, let us know too)

If your shirt is from a club from near you, but is very very small (like Knutsford Town) it would still be possible to win

Prizes are as follows:

  • 1st place - 150 Credits
  • 2nd place - 75 Credits
  • 3rd place - 50 Credits
  • Funniest Picture - 50 Credits
  • UPDATED - 10 Credits for the first picture of someone wearing a shirt from the Norwegian footbal team called "Odd"

HOW TO ENTER - email your pictures to - please tell us in the email:

  • The Name of the Club
  • The League/division they play in and the country they are from
  • Aything special about the shirt in question (home/away etc) 
  • The managerleague team you manage
  • Where you live (be honest - we know!)

Please remember that YOU have to be WEARING the shirt in the picture - Whatever else you wear is up to you.

Closing Date is 4th July 2008

We will update this page with the pick of the pics as we get them!

Good Luck!

 - Competitions Manager

 UPDATED - The First Pics...

Spinner (Oslo) - Burnley Away (England)              Wojteker (Enfield, London) - Fortuna Dussledorf (Germany)   cuncu67 (Istambul, Turkey) - Zonguldak Belediyespor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Spor kulübü (Turkey - 5th Teir!)

647.1 miles / 1041.4 Km                                             -  296.8 miles / 477.6 km                                                                          - 150.5 miles / 242.2 km

can you best these?


Taking the 10 credit proze for first pic of someone in an Odd Grenland Shirt is... 

King Langangen

- manager of  Mancunians United.

And here he is...

Well done - but we still have a long way to go!!!

SO keep them coming in!



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ManagerLeague Review competition! (27/05/2008 13:58)
If you think you know enough about ManagerLeague to write a review of it, we would like to see it!
And if it is good enough (Not as in giving us a great review, but well written) it might get published in an online magazine, or even on paper!
Adding screenshots is not required, and we might help out with that if it's going into a magazine.

There are a few criterias to joining this competition:
1: The review must be in English this time
2: Try to cover the best and worst issues with the game
3: You have to provide the following scores in the following areas:
- Appearance (0 - 3) (Decimals are allowed)
- Introduction/Learning Curve (0 - 3) (Decimals are allowed)
- Game Play (0 - 3) (Decimals are allowed)
- Fun (0 - 3) (Decimals are allowed)
- Approval Stamp (either 1 or 0)
- Total score (add the above figures, which should be somewhere between 0 and 13)

All reviews must be published in your own blog here on ML by June 10th, and make sure the title of the blog-entry is ManagerLeague Review so we will find it easily.

We will pick 3 reviews to win 100 credits each, and the best one will be made famous in an online magazine!
Good luck!

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Easter Photo Winners (06/04/2008 22:40)

To be honest, we were a bit dissapointed about the lack of contributions for this competition. To all of you people who did NOT send in a photo, "You lazy gits!"

Anyway, of the few entries we got, two photos stood out way ahead of the others, and here are the two winners:

Winner #1: "Easter Shades"

The photo was sent in by Dauphin, manager of Newcastle Blue Star in the Australian top division. Very nice!
Dauphin, I hope you are not offended by me cutting out a part of the picture, but it was rather huge, and this was the bit that won it :)


Winner #2: "The Penguin Moment"

Certainly a different picture, but to the person who took it, visiting these penguins is an easter tradition. So why not?
However, we do not know WHO the sender is, as the email it was sent from is not in our database :) So, whoever sent this, reply to the email we have sent you, whoever you are!

Anyway, prizes are on the way to Dauphin, and to our mysterious Player X when we find out who it might be.

We hope you all had a great easter!

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Hvem leder tippeligaen etter 5 runder? (17/03/2008 11:32)

This competition is about the Norwegian top league (Real footbal, not the game) and is written in Norwegian.

Norsk Tipping har sponset oss med 5 sett drakt + bag i god gammel retro-stil og derfor inviterer vi til en liten tippe-konkurranse. DU må gjette hvilke lag som befinner seg på de 3 øverste plassene på tabellen etter 5 spillte serierunder.

 Svaret ditt må se ut som dette (men med de lagene du mener vil inneha plassene)

1: Rosenborg
2: Brann
3: Viking

Hvis vi får flere enn 5 med alt riktig, må vi trekke ut 5 vinnere. Får vi færre en 5, vil vi trekke vinnere blandt de som har 2 riktie, osv til vi har 5 vinnere tilsammen.

Vi vil også gi ut 50 credits til de med alt riktig, opp til 20 stykker.

Ditt svar må sendes til innen 28. Mars, da tippeligaen begynner dagen derpå.



Oppdatering: Riktig svar burde se slik ut: STABÆK - VÅLERENGA - FREDRIKSTAD

Men det var det ingen som trodde på forhånd, tydeligvis!

Vi har klart å plukke ut 4 vinnere, selv om ingen hadde alt riktig. Selv om vi så helt bort fra plasseringen, og bare tok høyde for hvilke 3 lag som var på toppen, var det altså bare 4 stykker som hadde 2 av lagene med. Men, det har seg slik at disse 4 har enten klart å sende inn svar fra en  ANNEN addresse enn den de har registrert her, hvilket ikke er så lurt, eller så har de ikke fyllt ut adressen sin på DENNE siden, hvilket betyr at Spinner må få alle premiene!!

Neida, men alle 4 burde sjekke mailen sin så fort som mulig, og sørge for at vi har det vi trenger av detaljer i løpet av uken for å sende ut premier. Hva vi gjør med den 5. premien er ennå uvisst, så følg med....

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Easter Photo Competition (17/03/2008 09:24)

With Easter approaching, and a lot of you are bound to take some photos whereever you are, we want to see your best shots!

We are going to give out a Puma Football and 100 credits to the 2 photos we like the most.

The requirements to join the competition are:

  • You must have taken the photo yourself
  • You must take the photo this Easter
  • It can be of anything that you consider Easter-ish (some skiing, player easter football, eggs, an easter-bunny or something else you feel is right)
  • Your photo must be emailed to us by March 30th

Send your photo to and mark the subject "Easter 2008".

Good luck!

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Results :: The Christmas Card compo (1/2) (07/01/2008 01:13)

Ok, the plan was to give the best 3 digital cards 25 credits each. I failed in picking out just 3, so I am giving 25 credits to top 5 in stead!


Winner #1

Katchoo, Manager of Shame (Norway, Division 4 Department 57)

Kind of funny, when I think back to Emirates Stadium :)

Winner #2

Nek, Manager of Patissiakos_FC (International, Division 4 Department 28)

If that's what Santa looks like in Greece, I'm living in the wrong country!

Winner #3

Wolflinn, Manager of Wolflinn GB FC (England, Division 2 Department 4)

I had to make a winner out of this one, as it was related to foot-"balls"!

Winner #4

Bambuz, Manager of Fight Club (Norway, Division 1)

Mayt I suggest you get him something he actually wants next Christmas?
With that mouth, I'd recommend Rock Band; He'd make a great singer!

Winner #5

Rasco, Manager of Cornellense (Spain, Division 3 Department 10)

Haha, I do see some faces I recognize here :)


Credits are on the way, and thank you all for entering the competition!

Tomorrow I will do the "Post-cards"


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Christmas Card Competition (15/12/2007 23:53)
Yes, it's that time again! Every year, we have a Christmas Card competition here at ManagerLeague, and we see no reason not to do it again. This time, the competition is split into two categories; E-cards and real cards.

Part 1: E-Cards
This can be a picture, a flash-card or a word-document for that matter, but it has to have something to do with Christmas. Send the email with the card to, and write
"Christmas Compo" in the subject.
The Top 3 E-cards will be rewarded with 25 credits each.

Part 2: Real cards
Write a little greeting on a cars, get a stamp onto it, and send it off to
Fifth Season AS
Oscarsgate 30
0352 Oslo

The top 3 Real cards will be rewarded with 50 credits each, and a place of honor on our wall!

Make sure you let us know which team is yours so we know where to send the credits!

Good luck, everyone, and may the best card-sender win!

Merry Christmas!
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Results :: The referral competition (11/10/2007 14:25)
The big referral competition, who won the phone and who got the credits?

We asked you to invite your friends (or anyone really!) to ManagerLeague.
And one of the top 10 referrers would win the last ManagerLeague Mobile Phone in existence!
All of the top 10 would get 100 credits.

We did say we would look for fake sign-ups etc, and so we have picked out the top 10 based on the following criteria:
We selected the users with the most referrers, where the only referrals counted are accounts that have teams and who have logged in during the last 30 days.
This changed the top 10 a lot in terms of numbers, but not as much in terms of who was in it or not.
However, the original #2 proved to be someone playing multiple accounts, so he was disqualified and is not on the list.

Special congrats to kraMMer Team who won the lucky draw among the top 10 to win the ManagerLeague Phone.
Also, congrats to those of you in Top 40 who managed to win a Puma Football!

Here is the list of the winners, and what they won!

Team Manager Prize
kraMMer Team kraMMer 100 credits + ManagerLeague Mobile Phone + Puma Football
Algarve Futebol Clube Perverter 100 credits + Puma Football
SSteaua Skot 100 credits
Kit Pausa FC manelrosa6 100 credits
Benfica_faro tuguinho 100 credits
mahat_fc sirmahat 100 credits 
Sakarya feaRneveR 100 credits
The Bad Blue Boys BJZIDOV 100 credits
bengala bengala 100 credits
Dinamo Bucharest FC PauloCj 100 credits
Buggy FC Nadar Puma football
liwerpool ingolad Puma football
Toronto FC Vince Puma football
Fergielicious Brother Puma football
IFK17 flashen Puma football

Credits will be handed out today, and I will be off to the post-office with the rest of the prizes as soon as we have them packed and ready to go.

I would also like to point out that it could be potentially clever to make sure you have your correct address here, so you can be a prize-winner in another competition, those without a full address there are never even considered for a prize....

Thank you all who participated and invited your friends to play, we would not see the growth we have today if it were not for all of you!

We'll be back with more competitions shortly!

ManagerLeague HeadQuarters
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Update on the Referral Compo (10/09/2007 13:46)
Competition details:

Invite your friends to ManagerLeague, and have them sign up using your referral code.
The top 10 referers from August 8th to September 31st will each get 100 credits (in addition to referral-credits of course) and 10% chance of winning the Mobile Phone. (The phone will go to one of the top 10)
Remember, cheating in this competition with fake signups will of course disqualify you and force us to delete your team.

Current Top 20 (Teams, in ranked order)

Kit Pausa FC
kraMMer Team
Dinamo Bucharest FC
The Bad Blue Boys
RO Muhlbach
Batota Fc
Mactown Utd
Brutal Football
Poker Alho
AFC Marmotica
Toronto FC
FSK Buzau
Buggy FC

Added prizes!

We have some brand new shiny Puma-footballs to hand out as well in this competition!
Any we will pick those winners among our top 40 referrers, by random as well. So even if you are not even in the top 20, you can still win a prize, so get your friends to join!
This means we are giving out 1 ManagerLeague Mobile Phone, 1000 credits and some Puma Footballs! And all you have to do is get your friends to play! Couldn't be much easier! You have 21 days left to fo it, and if you can get 10 players to join, you're not in a bad position!

Good luck!
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Summer Pictures August 2007 (03/09/2007 17:49)
Once again, we were surprised at the number of entries in this competition.
So, in August, we had to be incredibly strict to narrow down the winners.
However, we were unable to get down to just 3, so once again, there are a few extra winners.

As the competition promised, all winners get 50 credits each, so here we go,
The August  Winners:

Team: Wolflinn GB FC
Not everyone have had the pleasure to witness dolphins, and this is a good picture of them in action!

Team: Squadra United

A fantastic picture of the sea and a secluded beach!

Team: Batota FC
You have to love the colours in this one!

Team: Java Coders

It's furry, it's cute, it's in focus, and it's a rare picture! Wonderful squirrel!

Team:  Kit Pause FC

A beach-pic, and it shouts "summer!"

Congratulations to all of you, and a big warm thanks to all the other managers who didn't win! God knows there were a lot more good pictures, and I wish I could reward them all, but alas, we have to try to cut down on the winners as we had so many in July!

The summer picture competition is now over, but stand by for more competitions next season!
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Summer Pictures July 2007 (31/07/2007 14:58)
Allthough the response in June was somewhat poor, July proved to be the big photo-month for our players, no doubt. With hundreds of pictures to chose from, it was an impossible task to pick just 3 winners from July. So, lucky you, we have 16 winners this month, each being rewarded with 50 credits for their picture.

Here are the pictures, in no special order. Beaches, cold drinks, calm lakes and football, enjoy!

Team: riot team
Comment: Great shot, dunes, blue skies and action! Love it!

Team: Prior
Comment: Lovely calm water, nice composition

Team: Liverpool FC Askøy
Comment: As he said in the mail : Summer is just the time we spend waiting for our favorite team to rule once again

Team: Bradford
Comment: Just look at that massive display of nature! Great composition!

Team: Rui s Friends
Comment: Oh yeah, chilling out is what summer is all about!

Team: Nordstjernen FK
Comment: This picture shows the Midnight Sun in all it's glory!

Team: Team Kjøpsvik
Comment: Sun shining down on a cold can of beer...ooohh yeaaahhh

Team: Spartacus
Comment: Father and son (I presume) enjoying a trip to Greece (judging by the menu in the background).
Question: Is it just me, or does that kid look a lot like a certain Feyenoord fan I've seen photographed with his middle finger in an upright position? (-;

Team: Hanbury FC
Comment: History, archeology, experiences, travel..It's summer, no doubt!

Team: The Might Shrews
Comment: Clearly a pro photographer! What a picture!

Team: InTeR BraiLe
Comment: How very fitting for a ManagerLeague competition, a goal and a beach...Who can ask for more!

Team: Masha Allah
Comment: Fantastic picture! Look how tempting that is! Invite me!

Team: Reich Football Club
Comment: The gardens of Versailles! France is more than head-butting players and red wine, apparently!

Team: Mactown Utd
Comment: 3 friends playing football at the beach...Gotta love it!

Team: Black Hawk
Comment: Looks like a typical day in the south of Norway on a hot summer day! We like it!

Team: This team is bugged
Comment: Sundown in Denmark! Nice little pink burn in the flare there!

Thats it, 16 worthy winners, in our opinion anyway, and thats the only opinion that counts here (-;
50 credits are on the way to you all, spend them wisely, they were well deserved!

Thank you all for participating, and I hope to get some nice photos in August as well!
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