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Osloborger (Member)
SexMaleClick to enlarge
Attracted toFemales
Searching forSome fun
Month of birthN/A
Year of birth0
SmokingI am SO not smoking!
Drinking1 coke, please!
DrugsI am NOT touching that shit!
Osloborgers team
Majesty in HeavenOsloborger241
What rocks and what sucks
This rocksThis sucks
No likes specified Høye skatter og avgifter og molbopolitikk, som å la Norge forfalle mens pengene hoper seg opp eller sløses bort på luksusfengsler og andre mindre viktige ting.
The good stuff
Favorite game type 1 As long as they're good
Favorite game type 2 N/A
Favorite game type 3 N/A
Favorite game Splinter Cell
Favorite artist No artist specified
Favorite movie No movie specified
Favorite actor No actor specified
Favorite actress No actress specified
Favorite author No author specified
Favorite book Bøkenes Bok
This is me!
No Description