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Zz00091054 (Member)
SexMaleClick to enlarge
Attracted toN/A
Searching forFellow gamers!
CityDenver CO
Month of birthSep
Year of birth1980
SmokingI am trying to quit!
DrinkingNow and then
DrugsTrying to quit
PoliticsAll I want is peace
What rocks and what sucks
This rocksThis sucks
No likes specified
The good stuff
Favorite game type 1 As long as they're good
Favorite game type 2 Sport Games
Favorite game type 3 Racing Games
Favorite game EA NHL 09 + ML the best
Favorite artist music is the best
Favorite movie dude.
Favorite actor No actor specified
Favorite actress No actress specified
Favorite author :l
Favorite book No book specified
This is me!
i come from a place where is football is called soccer, soccer is called gay, and football has nothing to do with feet. ice hockey is the best.